10 Healthy Habits for Over 70s: Tips for an Active Life

Healthy habits are important at all stages of life, but especially for those over 70, as a healthy lifestyle can help improve quality of life and prevent disease. There are numerous ways that people over 70 can improve their health. This article discusses 10 healthy habits that can help people over 70 stay healthy and active.

A table with a variety of healthy foods, including fruits, vegetables, whole grains, and nuts. A glass of water and a bottle of vitamins are also present

One of the most important healthy habits for people over 70 is to exercise regularly. Regular exercise can help maintain muscle strength and flexibility, reduce the risk of chronic diseases, and improve mood. It can also help improve sleep and boost memory. It is recommended to do at least 150 minutes of moderate intensity exercise per week, such as walking, cycling, or swimming.

Another healthy habit for people over 70 is to follow a healthy and balanced diet. It is important to get enough protein, fiber, vitamins and minerals, and to limit salt, sugar and saturated fat. The Nutrition Center recommends eating at least 250 grams of vegetables and 2 pieces of fruit every day, and to choose whole grain products, low-fat dairy and oily fish. By following these healthy habits, people over 70 can improve their health and well-being and enjoy an active and fulfilling life.

Nutritional guidelines

An elderly person's table with a variety of colorful fruits, vegetables, whole grains, and lean proteins. A glass of water and a small plate with nuts and seeds are also present

Healthy eating is important for maintaining good health in old age. Here are some dietary guidelines for those over 70.

Balance in Macronutrients

A healthy diet for people over 70 should have a good balance of macronutrients, such as carbohydrates, proteins and fats. It is important to consume enough protein to maintain and support muscle mass. Choose lean protein sources, such as chicken, fish, low-fat dairy, legumes and nuts. Limit your intake of saturated and trans fats and choose healthy fats, such as unsaturated fats, which are found in avocados, nuts, seeds and oily fish.

Sufficient Fiber

Fiber-rich foods are important for healthy digestion and for regulating blood sugar levels. People over 70 should aim for at least 25 grams of fiber per day. Fiber-rich foods include whole grains, vegetables, fruits, legumes, and nuts.

Hydration and Fluid Balance

Adequate hydration is important for maintaining good health in old age. Older people often have a reduced sense of thirst, which can lead to dehydration. Therefore, it is important to drink enough water, about 1.5 to 2 liters per day. Other hydrating drinks, such as herbal teas and broths, can also help maintain fluid balance. Limit your consumption of caffeinated and alcoholic drinks, as these can lead to dehydration.

These nutritional guidelines can help people over 70 follow a healthy, balanced diet to maintain and improve their health.

Physical Activity

Elderly individuals engaging in physical activities such as walking, stretching, and gardening. A group of seniors participating in exercise classes and outdoor activities

Good physical health is an important aspect of well-being for people over 70. Regular exercise is important to keep muscles and bones strong and to reduce the risk of chronic diseases. There are two types of physical activities that people over 70 can do: daily exercise and strength and flexibility exercises.

Daily Movement

Daily movement is an important part of an active lifestyle. It can be as simple as taking a walk, biking, grocery shopping, gardening, or other activities that increase your heart rate. It is recommended to do at least 30 minutes of moderate-intensity exercise spread out over the day.

Strength and Flexibility

Strength and flexibility exercises help keep muscles and bones strong and maintain flexibility. It can be as simple as doing squats, push-ups, or yoga. It is recommended to do strength and flexibility exercises at least twice a week.

It is important to remember that any physical activity is better than none. It is also important to start with activities that are achievable and to slowly work on increasing the intensity and duration of the activity.

Mental Health

A serene garden with a winding path, surrounded by blooming flowers and lush greenery. A bench sits under a shady tree, inviting relaxation and contemplation

Mental health is just as important as physical health, especially in old age. Keeping the mind active and having social interaction is essential to maintain good mental well-being. Here are some healthy habits for people over 70 to maintain their mental health:

Cognitive Stimulation

Cognitive stimulation is an important aspect of mental health. It keeps the mind active and helps maintain mental sharpness. There are several ways to achieve cognitive stimulation, such as reading books, doing puzzles, playing board games, and learning new skills. It is important to choose activities that are challenging, but not too difficult, to avoid frustration.

Another way to get cognitive stimulation is through technology. Computers and tablets provide access to educational programs and games that are specifically designed to keep the mind active. It is important to find a healthy balance between technology use and other activities to maintain a healthy lifestyle.

Social Interaction

Social interaction is an important part of mental health. Having social connections can reduce feelings of loneliness and depression. It is important to spend time with friends and family, participate in social activities and volunteer.

In addition to face-to-face interaction, technology can also help maintain social connections. Video chat apps such as Skype and FaceTime offer the opportunity to communicate with friends and family who live far away. Social media platforms such as Facebook and Twitter also offer ways to stay in touch with friends and family.

By incorporating cognitive stimulation and social interaction into their daily routine, people over 70 can maintain their mental health and lead active, fulfilling lives.

Preventive Health Care

Elderly group exercising outdoors, practicing healthy habits. A nurse educates them on preventive care

Healthy aging begins with preventive health care. Regular check-ups and vaccinations are important components of preventive health care for those over 70.

Regular Check-ups

Regular check-ups are important to monitor the health of people over 70. During a check-up, a doctor can detect and treat diseases and conditions at an early stage. A doctor can also give advice on healthy habits and lifestyle during a check-up.

Below are some examples of check-ups that people over 70 should consider:

  • Blood Pressure Measurement: High blood pressure can lead to heart disease, stroke and kidney disease. It is important to have your blood pressure measured regularly.
  • Cholesterol Test: High cholesterol can lead to heart disease. A cholesterol test can help detect high cholesterol.
  • Eye Test: Changes in vision are common as we age. An eye test can help detect eye conditions such as cataracts and glaucoma.


Vaccinations are important to prevent infections and diseases. People over 70 should consider getting the following vaccinations:

  • Flu shot: The flu shot is important for people over 70 because they have an increased risk of complications from flu.
  • Pneumococcal vaccine: The pneumococcal vaccine can help prevent pneumonia and blood poisoning. It is recommended for people over 70 who are at increased risk for these infections.

Regular check-ups and vaccinations can help people over 70 maintain and improve their health.

Sleep hygiene

A tidy bedroom with a comfortable bed, soft pillows, and clean bedding. A nightstand with a glass of water and a book. A dim bedside lamp

A good night’s sleep is essential for the health of those over 70. Sleep hygiene can help you get and maintain a good night’s sleep. Here are some tips for improving sleep hygiene:

1. Create a suitable environment

Provide a comfortable sleeping environment. This means that the bedroom should be cool, quiet and dark. Avoid using electronic devices in the bedroom, such as televisions, laptops and mobile phones. These devices can disturb sleep.

2. Set a regular sleep schedule

It is important to establish and stick to a regular sleep schedule. This means going to bed and waking up at the same time every day. This helps to develop a regular sleep pattern.

3. Promote relaxation before bedtime

Relaxing before bed can help you fall asleep and improve your sleep quality. This can be done by taking a warm bath, reading a book, or listening to soothing music.

4. Avoid stimulating activities close to bedtime

Avoid stimulating activities close to bedtime, such as drinking caffeinated beverages or watching exciting television programs. These can disrupt sleep.

5. Pay attention to food and drink consumption

Pay attention to your diet and drink. Do not eat too heavy just before going to bed and avoid alcohol. This can disturb your sleep.

6. Develop a sleep routine

Develop a sleep routine. This means doing certain activities before going to bed, such as brushing your teeth or reading a book. This helps to develop a regular sleep pattern.

7. Change lifestyle and habits

Change your lifestyle and habits. This means eating healthy, exercising regularly and reducing stress. This can help improve your sleep quality.

Following these tips can improve sleep hygiene and increase sleep quality.

Stress management

A serene garden with a peaceful pond surrounded by lush greenery and colorful flowers. A gentle breeze rustles the leaves, creating a calming atmosphere for relaxation and stress management

Stress can have a negative impact on the health of people over 70. It is important to reduce and manage stress to maintain a healthy lifestyle. Below are some tips to reduce stress:

  • Regular exercise: Exercise can help reduce stress and improve mood. It can also help improve sleep, which in turn can help reduce stress.

  • Healthy food choices: Making healthy food choices can help reduce stress. Foods rich in vitamin C, magnesium, and omega-3 fatty acids can help reduce stress.

  • Adequate sleep: Adequate sleep is important for a healthy lifestyle and can help reduce stress. It is recommended to get at least 7 hours of sleep per night.

  • Meditation: Meditation can help calm the mind and reduce stress. There are many different types of meditation, so it's important to find a type that works for you.

  • Yoga: Yoga can help reduce stress and improve flexibility and strength. It can also help lower blood pressure and improve mood.

  • Breathing exercises: Breathing exercises can help reduce stress and calm the mind. There are many different types of breathing exercises, so it's important to find one that works for you.

Reducing stress is important for a healthy lifestyle for people over 70. By incorporating regular exercise, making healthy food choices, getting enough sleep, meditating, practicing yoga, and doing breathing exercises, people over 70 can reduce their stress levels and improve their health.

Medication management

A senior's medication organized in a weekly pill dispenser. A calendar with healthy habits listed. A hand reaching for the dispenser

For people over 70, it is important to manage their medication well. This means taking their medication correctly and being aware of any side effects and interactions with other medications.

Here are some tips to improve medication management:

  • Make a list of all medications taken, including dosage and frequency. This can help prevent missing medications or taking too much of a particular medication.
  • Discuss any changes in medications with a doctor or pharmacist before making them. This can help prevent unintended interactions between medications.
  • Use a medicine box to take medications correctly and avoid missing medications.
  • Make sure that medicines are stored properly, such as in a cool, dry place. This can help maintain the effectiveness of medicines and prevent them from spoiling.

It is important to remember that managing medications is an important part of maintaining good health in old age. By following these tips, people over 70 can take their medications properly and reduce the risk of complications.

Safety and Fall Prevention

A serene park with clear pathways, benches, and gentle slopes. A signpost displaying "Safety and Fall Prevention 10 Healthy Habits for Seniors Over 70" stands prominently near the entrance

Safety and fall prevention are important concerns for people over 70. Because the risk of falls and injuries increases with age, it is important to take safety precautions to prevent accidents. Below are some safety and fall prevention tips for people over 70.

Make the house safe

One of the most important things that people over 70 can do to stay safe is to make sure that their home is safe. This can be accomplished by removing loose rugs, installing grab bars in the bathroom, and installing good lighting throughout the home. Another important step is to make sure that there are no obstacles on the floor, such as shoes or toys.

Stay active

Regular exercise can reduce the risk of falling by keeping muscles and bones strong. This can be achieved through activities such as walking, swimming, yoga or tai chi. It is important to choose activities that are appropriate for your individual physical condition and to exercise regularly.

Check medicines

Some medications can cause dizziness or drowsiness, which can increase the risk of falls. People over 70 should check their medications regularly and talk to their doctor about any side effects that may increase the risk of falls.

Ensure a healthy diet

A healthy diet can help keep bones strong and reduce the risk of falls. People over 70 should eat a diet rich in calcium and vitamin D, which are important for bone health. It is also important to drink plenty of water to avoid dehydration, which can cause dizziness and increase the risk of falls.

Meaning and Hobbies

A group of 70+ seniors engaging in healthy hobbies like gardening, walking, and reading, surrounded by nature and leisure activities

Meaning and hobbies are important to the well-being of the over 70s. Having a hobby can help keep the mind active and can contribute to a sense of fulfillment. Below are some healthy hobbies that the over 70s can consider.


Reading is a great hobby for people over 70. It can help keep the mind active and can contribute to a sense of relaxation. In addition, reading can increase knowledge and develop new interests. It is important to remember that reading includes not only books, but also magazines, newspapers and other informational materials.


Gardening is another great hobby for people over 70. It can help keep you physically active and can contribute to a sense of accomplishment. In addition, gardening can help reduce stress and improve mood. It is important to remember that gardening can be done not only outdoors, but also indoors with houseplants.


Photography is a great hobby for people over 70 who are interested in art and creativity. It can help keep the mind active and can contribute to a sense of accomplishment. In addition, photography can help to capture memories and share them with family and friends. It is important to remember that photography can be done not only professionally, but also as a hobby with a smartphone or a simple camera.

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